Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Resolution: A Wish List

Once, I heard a motivator said, we must write everything that we want. And many successful people achieved what they want by writing it on a piece (or pieces) of paper. Well, in Islam, we cannot believe it just happened like that, just because we write our dream or wish on paper. Allah has wrote everything and we have to make efforts to achieve what we want, and not to forget to raise our hands and make doa :)

But, psychologically, writing them on paper might be effective rather than just having a thought of them. For me, I might see them clearly rather that they scattered on my brain without focus (because they are too many dreams! haha!).

So, this is my list :)

1. Getting married - Done actually :)
2. Buying a car - Also done - An Elite Viva 1.0, Auto lagi :) (Now my husband dah pandai sket2 drive :D - Skang dh malas nk drive.. bia dia je drive.. ;P
3. Having a baby (Anak2 yg soleh, dan dapat membantu agama Allah)
4. Nak gi Mekah dengan Hubby :)
5. Nak tulis buku..
6. Nak jadi motivator (A professional one, :) hehe)
7. Nak habiskan at least 10 buah buku setahun. Plus nak selalu habiskan baca majalah Solusi yang selalunya sekerat jalan or skip2..
8. Nak score 100% in English, so far, still ada 2 orang.
9. Nak more and more score A in English, Alhamdulillah, after 2 years, 3 orang :)
10. Nak score A at least 10 orang KH.
11. Nak gi Aquaria!! - Done!! Dah g.. hubby bawak.. :D Thanks Hubby..!
12. Nak gi lagi Pulan Perhentian..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Passion - Part 2

Filling the form, I just follow some people said, this course is easy to take and to get. Office Management and Technology, pasal keje2 pejabat kot.. no idea what is the study about..

Excited! To get a place in a university :) Never thought of that despite of my poor results.. But Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki Allah bagi... :)

Saya dapat belajar di luar negeri, hehe.. (luar negeri Selangor.. ;p) Buat pertama kalinya berpisah jauh dari mama abah, but I have my cousin studying there at that time, Sarah. Like I said, more to excited.. tak rasa takut sangat..

I'm a latecomer ;p Ini pengakuan yg sgt sincere. Malu, nak berubah.. hm.. Harap2 boleh.. huhu, so, my first class, kena duduk depan sebab datang lambat, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah kan.. Saya percaya itulah titik tolaknya.. Orang cakap, duduk lagi depan, lagi banyak ilmu boleh dapat, so, setiap hari itulah tempat saya, kawan pun takde, tak berapa nak bercomunicate dengan orang, as a result, I have become, more focus.

Semakin score quiz ke quiz, test ke test. 3.60 GPA semester pertama. Anugerah Dekan. Saya pun tak sangka saya jadi pelajar cemerlang di Universiti :) (actually ramai lagi yang cemerlang, cuma saya ni, tak berapa hebat antara yang cemerlang.. ;p) 3.70 in the second semester, 3.50 3rd, 3.80 4th.. Semester kelima praktikal, just lulus or gagal sahaja, so, just carry forward the CGPA 3.6 something rasanya masa tu.. Tapi, biasa la.. makin lama, makin selesa, makin main. Saya mempunyai peluang cerah untuk dapat Anugerah Naib Canselor. Tapi, bukan nak salahkan kawan2, tapi memang seronok duduk sebilik dengan 2 orang classmate yang lain, pakat2 skip class sama2.. haha.. results.. 3.12 GPA for the final semester.. Melayang Anugerah Naib Canselor, tak dapat nak jadi orang yang ke-13 dalam diploma tu nak pakai selempang. (Ada 12 orang penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor Diploma saya tahun tu) I graduated my Diploma with 3.52 CGPA. Subjek OB (Organizational Behavior) dapat C. Banyak betul nak kena baca... Huhu.. Alasan.. ;p

With a quite good diploma results, I applied to change field for my Bachelor. Perasan pandai! Applied for Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Economics) in (still) UiTM. Bila orang tanya, saya jawab, "Tak nak jadi secretary dah, nak jadi boss pulak," (Office Management and Technology is mostly about becoming a secretary or a P.A, Personal Assistant). Rezeki jugak, Allah bagi :) saya dapat. Terus dapat pada hujung bulan November 2004 selepas tamat Diploma Oktober 2004 (Sempat lagi keje kat Mydin dalam 3 minggu).

Perasan sangat! Subjek tough2.. Langsung takde dapat A, kecuali subjek Mandarin, CGPA? 2.9 something... Frust toksah cakap... Strive gile macam daki gunung 95 darjah... tapi, ntahlah... dah jadi average balik.. - to be continued

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine
Dear today, here I come
Fair bright and just right
You're even more glitter than the star of last night

Wonder what on earth Allah will destine me this time
Rise and shine
Fair and bright
Just fine

Smile and sigh
All are given with whys
So that we thank Allah
That's just the reason why we're on His land

Future is open even is decided
Lets Allah gives us strength and faith
To live in this world and hereafter
Towards Jannah

by T.R
17 October 2010
8 something in the morning..

Friday, December 3, 2010


"Sesungguhnya rahmat-Ku mendahului murka-Ku" - Hadith Qudsi.

Day 41

Blessing, blessing, blessing.. that's all I got. Being a wife on the day of 41th. Time flies. I am now a wife. A year ago, no boyfriends, no special one, no crush, no one got crush on me (huhu) never thought of them all.. jauh sekali untuk berkahwin.. Hm.. Simple.. That's called Jodoh, Qada' and Qadar.. and all I wanna say, ALHAMDULILLAH.. :D All praises only for Him.. The Almighty..

I'm not a good girl. But thanks to Allah, for me having my parents.. and everything I've gone through.. cehh.. cam banyak sangat plak pengalaman hidup.. bajet leh wat travelog.. haha ;P Agak bersosial juga dulu.. berfesyen.. kesimpulannya, tak muslimah langsung, solat pun lubang2.. Tapi, saya suka Hadith Qudsi yang saya petik di atas.. Ya, semua orang lakukan kesilapan, yang penting, kita kembali... NIKMAT ALLAH MEMANG TAK TERHINGGA..

Allah kurniakan saya seorang suami, Muhammad Zulfadhli bin Yusof.. :D (I am now speechless, thinking of this) jari2 saya kaku sementara di papan keyboard.. Saya cuma mampu berdoa, Allah tetapkan hati, tetapkan iman.. Semoga Allah tunjukkan kami jalan yang lurus.. Jalan menuju keredhaannya, dan anugerahkan kami zuriat yang membantu agama-Nya.

Antara post saya yang terawal, "Kita kena sentiasa bersyukur.." It's all back to that again. I promise to never PANDANG KE BELAKANG lagi. Kerana itu semua kunci PEROSAK HATI saya YANG DAPAT MELUPAKAN SEGALA NIKMAT YANG ALLAH BAGI..

Saya berdoa, hari ini, esok dan hari2 seterusnya, saya akan sentiasa bersyukur.. dan teruskan menjalani hidup dengan sebaik2nya...

Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Artist: Maher Zain
Album: Thank You Allah
Copyright: Awakening Records 2009

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Passion - Part 1

I was a very average student back then. Well, in Tadika Ikhwan (now PASTI Ikhwan) (1988-1989), Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Farabi (1990-1995) and Sekolah Rendah Agama Kg. Delek (1993-1995) I was quite a scorer ;) I didn't take UPSR, because SRIF-a private school just started at that time. But I did take SPRA (now PSRA) and I got 89.8%. Abah had applied Sekolah Agama Menengah Tinggi Hisamuddin (now Sekolah Agama Menengah Tinggi Sultan Hisamuddin) in Kg. Jawa for me, and I had to stay in hostel back in 1996 when I was in Form 1. Form 1 Aminah at that time.

SAMTSH is until now quite a big school. Big, in terms of the students achievements. Sekolah orang2 yang pandailah senang cakap, out of the schools in Selangor ni. But still bagus tak bagus pelajar bukanlah pada sekolah 100%. Ia sebenarnya lebih cenderung kepada pelajar itu sendiri. Buktinya, pelajar Sekolah Menengah Islam Al-Farabi (SMIF), pun pernah ada straight-A student.. best student PMR 2009, 8A-Mohd. Khairul Nizam Abdul Ghani. Saya cuma dapat 3A sahaja di SAMTH pada tahun 1998. Semua salah saya sendiri... Banyak main, mula duduk rumah after 2 years stayed in the hostel, alasannya, nak tuisyen luar... Tapi adakah betul2 tuisyen??

Walaubagaimanapun, dengan 3A saya mendapat tawaran untuk menyambung Tingkatan 4 di Sekolah Teknik Klang dalam jurusan Perniagaan. Namun dengan hati yang tidak rela, saya menyambung pengajian di SAMTH dan mengambil Sijil Menengah Agama (SMA). Jika Tingkatan 1 saya di kelas Aminah (masuk secara rawak, tanpa ada ranking kelas), Tingkatan 2 saya di kelas Fatimah, kelas ke-4 daripada 6 kelas. Tingkatan 3 saya di kelas Zainab, kelas ke-5. Oh, makin merosot rupanya... Hm... Masuk ke Tingkatan 4, saya kekal di kelas Zainab :) kelas ke-5 daripada 5 kelas :( Menjadi batch pertama SPM Tingkatan 4 yang mengambil sijil terbuka, Pengajian Syariah Islamiyyah, Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah, Prinsip Akaun dan Matematik Tambahan sebagai subjek elektif. Tetapi, pada Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun, markah Add Math saya ialah 5/100. Saya dan beberapa rakan senasib dipanggil cikgu. Kami diberi pilihan untuk sama ada meneruskan atau menukar subjek Add Math kepada Ekonomi Asas. Saya memilih untuk mengambil subjek Ekonomi Asas. Mula belajar Ekonomi Asas di Tingkatan 5 Fatimah (masih kelas terakhir), Ekonomi Asas Tingkatan 5 pada waktu persekolahan dan Tingkatan 4 pada setiap Sabtu (kelas tambahan-Terima kasih Cikgu Hajar)

Tidak minat dengan subjek SMA, saya buat deal dengan mak saya, "Ma, leh tak akak tak lulus SMA?", "SMA tu untuk ape?", "SMA tu, kalau lulus leh amik STAM, pastu leh g Mesir.." jawab saya jujur. "Ok," Mama bagi green light. Tapi saya masih ingat, saya ada jugak hafal sikit2. Terutamanya subjek Feqah Tauhid, subjek yang saya agak minat, sebab agak senang dan saya dapat Jayyid untuk subjek tersebut dan Maqbul (Lulus) untuk semua subjek lain.

Naik ke Tingkatan 5, saya makin nakal, keluar bandar dan balik rumah tanpa izin. (Saya masuk semula ke asrama, kononnya nak struggle untuk SPM selepas 2 tahun duduk di rumah - banyak menghadap tv). Akhirnya keputusan SPM saya tersangatlah sederhana. BM-3B, BI-6C, BAT-5C, Math-5C, Sains-3B, Sejarah-4B, PSI-5C, PQS-5C, Prinsip Akaun-8E dan Ekonomi Asas-5C.
That is why I said I was a very average student.

After SPM, I had applied for Matrix, UPU as well as Polytechnic. After Raya in 2001, in the age of 18, I applied to work as a cashier in Mydin, Klang Town while waiting for University offers. I didn't get thru to Matrix, UPU neither Polytechnic in May intake. So, I had to continue the working. End of the year I had applied for Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki Allah bagi.. I was accepted as the student of Office Management and Technology Faculty undertaking Diploma of Office Management and Technology and that was the beginning... - to be continued.. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trust Me

Trust me,

That I’ve been there,

Through the hard times and the fear,

Of losing and falling..

Trust me,

That I’ve been there,

Facing the day of everyday,

With loads of load,

And all the naggings..

Trust me,

I was bored too,

To listen to the very same,

Things about the dos and the don’ts

Like I’d never been told before..

But trust me,

You just got to follow,

‘cause it’s not for us,

But you, and of course,

Lillaahi Ta’ala…

by T.R

Bersama - Devotees

Kita pernah bersama
Menempuh onak dan duka
Tidak pernah putus asa
Walau dugaan datang melanda

Dikau pernah bertanya
Bila bahgia akan tiba
Ku berkata bersabarlah
Serahkan saja pada yang ESA

Bila masanya menjelma
Kebahgiaan akan tiba
Namun tidak mungkin ku lupa
Kenangan indah kita bersama

Menempuh onak cabaran
Dan liku hidup yang panjang
Tidak mungkin hidup ini sepi
Selagi ku masih di sini

Kita pernah bersama
Menempuh onak dan duka
Tidak pernah putus asa
Walau dugaan datang melanda

Bila masanya menjelma
Kebahgiaan akan tiba
Namun tidak mungkin ku lupa
Kenangan indah kita bersama

Menempuh onak cabaran
Dan liku hidup yang panjang
Tidak mungkin hidup ini sepi
Selagi ku masih di sini

Kini terungkai sudah
kisah hidup kita
Berbekal taat dan sabar
Pastikan berjaya

PurpleLilac: is listening to the song on while writing this post, MODE: Teringat kenangan tahun lepas... Walaupun apa terjadi... I still love my students... Anytime, Anywhere... Sampai Bila2... They have my prayers... Always...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mr. Bruny & Mr. Blobby

I don't know.. these two names stuck in my mind.. they are actually the names of two soft toys belong to Hani, my eldest niece. I was there, in Pak Long's (her grandfather) house, in Bangsar when I met her, Mr. Bruny and Mr. Blobby. :) I can still remember since we (my family and my married cousins' family) keep visiting each other, I will always have a story to tell to my students. Stories about all the nieces and nephews (by the way, there are now 2 nieces and 7 nephews). But out of 9 cucu2 pak long ni, I can get along with 3 of them, especially Hani, Amani and Faris. 3 of them are still babies, so, takdela dorang nk bercakap. They are 3 of them yang memang susah sket I nk bercakap gn dorang ni.. Farhan, Kak Roshin's eldest, memang kurang communicate dgn orang as I can see. Yg dua orang Kak Buddy's ni.. Harith and Arif.. finally last night, I managed to chat with them. Last time, only Hani spoke with me, may be because she already 7 at that time (last year). But recently, Amani do can talk with me :) There were quite a lot we had talked about :) And it happened when I met her the next time, she approached me, "Hi, Auntie Rinie," I like it :)

Sitting on the couch from left: Abg Zul, Kak Buddy (Rozwin) holding baby Rifqi, Faris, Amani, Firas and Farhan.
On the floor: Arif, Hani, Baby Imran and Harith.

Most people love kids.. Yelah, dorang xde dosa.. innocent, most of the time they will tell the truth and never disappoint us instead of cheer us up. So do I. These two boys of Kak Buddy, Harith and Arif never speak a word to me before. They seem shy to the people they don't really get used to. But I'm happy that I have succeed to talk to them yesterday. :)

What have made me happy to finally get the chance to speak with them yesterday? The answer is because I love chatting with them. I love chatting with Hani, Amani and Faris before and even happier I can chat with Harith and Arif. And what is the point that I love chatting with them instead of others? The answer is, because they speak in ENGLISH. :)

Before, I can see that they only communicate among them. And I, am of course happy coz I am able to interfere them ;P Well, my English is not that good anyway. Broken and with grammatical error. Hehe.. but I don't care. As long as they can understand me. But what is important that I feel that I can improve my English as I do the practice with them. I believe so. Like it or not, not many places that I have to practice my English orally.

I kinda like English Language, may be that is why I'm teaching English even though I'm not really good at it. In my school, teaching English is quite a challenge. It is subject that students don't really study compared to Maths, Science etc. They take very little attention to this subject. These are the facts. I know. I am too still studying, learning English, the best method to teach and how make students have more liking and interested to learn and study English.

"Tak aci, students boleh tau banyak perkataan dalam Bahasa Inggeris tapi tak banyak yang dorang tau dalam Bahasa Arab, sedangkan dorang belajar Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Arab dalam tempoh yang sama (belajar kedua2 B.I dan B.A dari darjah satu - most of the students in my school)," This is said by my Fiance, an Arabic Teacher in my school. In my school, it is quite an issue jugak.. belajar B.I beriya, B.A tak suka. Padahal Bahasa Arab tu bahasa syurga. When my students said, malas la nak belajar B.A, susahla, malas la nak amik SMA (Sijil Menengah Agama).. I always challenge them, I am an English Teacher, not that good in Arabic subject, but I was able to get Maqbul, which is at least Pass for the certificate. If you are like me, which can only get Maqbul for your SMA, you should be at least a teacher, teaching English like me.. yelah, dah malas@tak minat belajar Bahasa Arab, konon2 subject lain macam contohnya Bahasa Inggeris kenala rajin@minatkan.. I always said to them too, that you are at lose if you are not learning Arabic well by now, coz i just did. Dah besar2, umur cam ni baru nak catch up balik, I wish that I could learn Arabic well in my school days coz now I wanted to easily understand Al-Quran verses.. but I just grateful for at least I have the basic and hopefully later my husband will teach me :) (husband- sebab bile nti dah jadi suami ;)

For instance, in Islam, learning is compulsory, we have to learn with Kalamullah - Al-Quran, The Miracle given by Allah to His Messenger, The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, p.b.u.h... We also have to learn with the surroundings. Everything around us, the trees, the grass, the wind, the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars... I know I can learn with those kids.. Ustaz Dr. Haji Zahazan Mohamad once said "Learning English is a Fardhu Kifayah", sunat yang dituntut... it will definitely give us a lot of benefits, advantages and chances especially if we are in industry.

For my students, I wish they can learn English well, in class or outside the class and afterwards and also other subjects like Arabic, Maths and Science. I learned a bit of Mandarin, it is fun to speak Huayu with wo hen hao de pengyou Sakinah :) My nieces and nephews is the place to me to practice English, I got Sakinah to practice Mandarin and may be I can practice Arabic with my husband, later laa.. ;)

Saturday, September 11, 2010



i am exactly where i need to be
i need to be exactly where i am
i am a blessing manifest
i can undress the moment
naked time unwinds beneath my mind
and from within i find the kind of beauty
only i can find

i am exactly where i need to be
i need to be exactly where i am
i am surrendering so willingly
to be the perfect me inside this now
and truly how else could it be
destiny she blesses me
destiny she blesses me
when i try to fight or run
i only wind up back at square one
when i think i know what’s best for me
fate she takes me back
to exactly where i need to be

i am exactly where i need to be
i need to be exactly where i am
i am divinely timed and shining brightly
yes i believe that there’s a purpose just for me
yes i believe that we are light
and we shine infinitely

i am exactly where i need to be
i need to be exactly where i am
i am not aimlessly existing see
i am in perfect harmony with universal energy
and i am truly free when i accept my own divinity
look at me look at me closely
tell me exactly what you see
if you are paying attention you will now begin ascension of the mind
why, because if you look at me just right you will see a kiss
for it took a kiss to make this breath exist
the intersection of my mother’s and father’s lips
to touch twist and perfect what came next to produce me

look at me and you will see the breeze
the breeze it took to shake the leaves to make
my mother’s hair move, my father dare touch it and say
please may i have a kiss
yes the breeze made me exist
and if you want to get even deeper into this
when you look at me you will see a cloud
the cloud it took to form the storm to make the breeze shake the leaves to
inspire the liplock – yes a raindrop will pop up out these words
you heard me right

if you look at me close enough you will see a dark stormy night
and what is night
well night ain’t night without its polar opposite of sunlight
so if you watch the way my hands sway
you’ll see the light of day
and everyday is a testament to the sediment of the earth’s core
it’s ever spinning enormous force so if you look at me just right
you will see a spark of the source
but the most fascinating thing about this, and it’s true
is that if you look at me just right, you see you
it’s only what you perceive how you believe the space between
you and me
that creates reality

so when i sing you can feel it
when i cry you can heal it
when i speak words you can be the words i speak by singing with me
peace love free, peace love free
peace love free, peace love free
peace love free, peace love free
peace love free, peace love free

when i try to fight or run
i only wind up back at square one
when i think i know what’s best for me
fate she takes me back
to exactly where i need to be
and when i am alone and full of fear
i just remember the rising sun always appears
everyday miracles, miracles that i see
well they take me back
they take me back
they take me back
to exactly where i need to be

by Amy Spielberg

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hari ini 31 Ogos...

Firman Allah S.W.T, "La yukallifallahu nafsan illa wus'aha..." dipetik daripada Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 286 (2:286) yang bermaksud, "Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya...".

Saya bukanlah orang yang layak nk mghuraikan, maksud ayat suci Al-Quran ini. Tapi saya sangat suka ayat ini. Ketika dugaan datang, inilah antara ayat yang bermain di fikiran saya. Kali pertama ayat begitu terasa pada saya ialah apabila saya datang mengadu dengan umi, terlupa dah pn pasal apa.. Tapi ayat inilah yang dibaca..

Antara sebab kenapa saya suka ayat ini ialah, di saat2 saya goyang, saya dapat merasa yang saya juga kuat. Rasa juga yang Allah sayang akan hamba-Nya yang tah hape2 tah ni... (Banyak dosa)...

Kembali kepada tajuk... Saya bukanlah patriotik orangnya. Namun berada dalam negara yang secara fizikalnya sudah 53 tahun merdeka, saya mesti bersyukur pada Allah kerana kita tidak di Palestin... Merdeka pasti berbeza pada setiap orang, pada saya sangat mudah, kalender bertukar ke 31hb hari ini kesannya lebih mendalam pada saya kerana sesuatu yang lain...

Seperti yang saya katakan td, saya tidak patriotik, mudahnya merdeka pada saya dan ramai juga saya kira yang bersetuju dengan saya, bukan sekadar fizikal... Ya, kita bebas daripada British, tapi, apa sebenarnya yang memisahkan kita antara pendidikan dunia dan agama? Saya guru, jadi itu skop yang paling jelas saya boleh nampak.. Saya deal dengan pelajar setiap hari.. dan itulah yang saya nampak.. Tapi mengenai 31 Ogos hari ini, bukanlah ini yang saya nak coretkan..

Pada saya ini ialah sesuatu yang penting. (bunyi macam lebih penting daripada kemerdekaan sesebuah negara.. hmm.. mungkin..) Bermakna esok ialah 1/9/2010. Hari perkahwinan saya makin dekat. Itulah point saya sebenarnya.. (bunyi macam gatal nak kawin.. mungkin..) Saya tak pernah kahwin. (Bunyi macam lawak - memangla kan..) memang dari hati ayat ni.. Tunang saya pernah sebut macam ni masa mula2 perhubungan dulu.. taktaulah apa maksud dia masa tu.. So many things come to my mind.. Seeing all the married cousins, married friends.. listening to others' marriage stories.. and I'm wondering how mine would be.. Seeing people's kids.. again, wondering how mine would be.. Hm.. jauh si Rinie ni pegi ni.. I don't know.. May be yes.. But ironically I'm teaching others' children.. How does it like when I teach mine? My point here, looks like I'm not ready yet... Nak baca suratkhabar n tengok tiwi pn tak sanggup semenjak dua menjak ni.. Makin teruk plak sepanjang Ramadhan ni.. [Sigh..]

Teringat post of my sister cousin, "Anak tu amanah, keje pun amanah...", [Longer sigh...] Can I cope with my life as wife, mother, teacher, daughter, sister segala??? "La yukallifallahu nafsan illa wus'aha..." means I can do this! Yes, certainly!

I pray to Allah, to always guide me, make me strong, together with my Husband2B.. Marriage is such a pure thing.. (not the best word) I believe in one thing will lead to another.. :) Please pray for me as well...
God Willing Insha'Allah Arabic MousepadThumbnail

In sya' Allah
by Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can't see which way to go

Don't despair and never loose hope
'Cause Allah is always by your side

In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel that you can't repent
And that it's way too late

You're so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don't despair and never loose hope
'Cause Allah is always by your side

In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way

In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way

Turn to Allah
He never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Oh.. Ya Allah
Guide my steps don't let me go astray
You the only one that showed me the way
Showed me the way, showed me the way...

In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way
In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way
In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah, In sya' Allah
You'll find your way

PurpleLilac: Amiin.. :)