Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Resolution: A Wish List

Once, I heard a motivator said, we must write everything that we want. And many successful people achieved what they want by writing it on a piece (or pieces) of paper. Well, in Islam, we cannot believe it just happened like that, just because we write our dream or wish on paper. Allah has wrote everything and we have to make efforts to achieve what we want, and not to forget to raise our hands and make doa :)

But, psychologically, writing them on paper might be effective rather than just having a thought of them. For me, I might see them clearly rather that they scattered on my brain without focus (because they are too many dreams! haha!).

So, this is my list :)

1. Getting married - Done actually :)
2. Buying a car - Also done - An Elite Viva 1.0, Auto lagi :) (Now my husband dah pandai sket2 drive :D - Skang dh malas nk drive.. bia dia je drive.. ;P
3. Having a baby (Anak2 yg soleh, dan dapat membantu agama Allah)
4. Nak gi Mekah dengan Hubby :)
5. Nak tulis buku..
6. Nak jadi motivator (A professional one, :) hehe)
7. Nak habiskan at least 10 buah buku setahun. Plus nak selalu habiskan baca majalah Solusi yang selalunya sekerat jalan or skip2..
8. Nak score 100% in English, so far, still ada 2 orang.
9. Nak more and more score A in English, Alhamdulillah, after 2 years, 3 orang :)
10. Nak score A at least 10 orang KH.
11. Nak gi Aquaria!! - Done!! Dah g.. hubby bawak.. :D Thanks Hubby..!
12. Nak gi lagi Pulan Perhentian..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Passion - Part 2

Filling the form, I just follow some people said, this course is easy to take and to get. Office Management and Technology, pasal keje2 pejabat kot.. no idea what is the study about..

Excited! To get a place in a university :) Never thought of that despite of my poor results.. But Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki Allah bagi... :)

Saya dapat belajar di luar negeri, hehe.. (luar negeri Selangor.. ;p) Buat pertama kalinya berpisah jauh dari mama abah, but I have my cousin studying there at that time, Sarah. Like I said, more to excited.. tak rasa takut sangat..

I'm a latecomer ;p Ini pengakuan yg sgt sincere. Malu, nak berubah.. hm.. Harap2 boleh.. huhu, so, my first class, kena duduk depan sebab datang lambat, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah kan.. Saya percaya itulah titik tolaknya.. Orang cakap, duduk lagi depan, lagi banyak ilmu boleh dapat, so, setiap hari itulah tempat saya, kawan pun takde, tak berapa nak bercomunicate dengan orang, as a result, I have become, more focus.

Semakin score quiz ke quiz, test ke test. 3.60 GPA semester pertama. Anugerah Dekan. Saya pun tak sangka saya jadi pelajar cemerlang di Universiti :) (actually ramai lagi yang cemerlang, cuma saya ni, tak berapa hebat antara yang cemerlang.. ;p) 3.70 in the second semester, 3.50 3rd, 3.80 4th.. Semester kelima praktikal, just lulus or gagal sahaja, so, just carry forward the CGPA 3.6 something rasanya masa tu.. Tapi, biasa la.. makin lama, makin selesa, makin main. Saya mempunyai peluang cerah untuk dapat Anugerah Naib Canselor. Tapi, bukan nak salahkan kawan2, tapi memang seronok duduk sebilik dengan 2 orang classmate yang lain, pakat2 skip class sama2.. haha.. results.. 3.12 GPA for the final semester.. Melayang Anugerah Naib Canselor, tak dapat nak jadi orang yang ke-13 dalam diploma tu nak pakai selempang. (Ada 12 orang penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor Diploma saya tahun tu) I graduated my Diploma with 3.52 CGPA. Subjek OB (Organizational Behavior) dapat C. Banyak betul nak kena baca... Huhu.. Alasan.. ;p

With a quite good diploma results, I applied to change field for my Bachelor. Perasan pandai! Applied for Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Economics) in (still) UiTM. Bila orang tanya, saya jawab, "Tak nak jadi secretary dah, nak jadi boss pulak," (Office Management and Technology is mostly about becoming a secretary or a P.A, Personal Assistant). Rezeki jugak, Allah bagi :) saya dapat. Terus dapat pada hujung bulan November 2004 selepas tamat Diploma Oktober 2004 (Sempat lagi keje kat Mydin dalam 3 minggu).

Perasan sangat! Subjek tough2.. Langsung takde dapat A, kecuali subjek Mandarin, CGPA? 2.9 something... Frust toksah cakap... Strive gile macam daki gunung 95 darjah... tapi, ntahlah... dah jadi average balik.. - to be continued

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine
Dear today, here I come
Fair bright and just right
You're even more glitter than the star of last night

Wonder what on earth Allah will destine me this time
Rise and shine
Fair and bright
Just fine

Smile and sigh
All are given with whys
So that we thank Allah
That's just the reason why we're on His land

Future is open even is decided
Lets Allah gives us strength and faith
To live in this world and hereafter
Towards Jannah

by T.R
17 October 2010
8 something in the morning..

Friday, December 3, 2010


"Sesungguhnya rahmat-Ku mendahului murka-Ku" - Hadith Qudsi.

Day 41

Blessing, blessing, blessing.. that's all I got. Being a wife on the day of 41th. Time flies. I am now a wife. A year ago, no boyfriends, no special one, no crush, no one got crush on me (huhu) never thought of them all.. jauh sekali untuk berkahwin.. Hm.. Simple.. That's called Jodoh, Qada' and Qadar.. and all I wanna say, ALHAMDULILLAH.. :D All praises only for Him.. The Almighty..

I'm not a good girl. But thanks to Allah, for me having my parents.. and everything I've gone through.. cehh.. cam banyak sangat plak pengalaman hidup.. bajet leh wat travelog.. haha ;P Agak bersosial juga dulu.. berfesyen.. kesimpulannya, tak muslimah langsung, solat pun lubang2.. Tapi, saya suka Hadith Qudsi yang saya petik di atas.. Ya, semua orang lakukan kesilapan, yang penting, kita kembali... NIKMAT ALLAH MEMANG TAK TERHINGGA..

Allah kurniakan saya seorang suami, Muhammad Zulfadhli bin Yusof.. :D (I am now speechless, thinking of this) jari2 saya kaku sementara di papan keyboard.. Saya cuma mampu berdoa, Allah tetapkan hati, tetapkan iman.. Semoga Allah tunjukkan kami jalan yang lurus.. Jalan menuju keredhaannya, dan anugerahkan kami zuriat yang membantu agama-Nya.

Antara post saya yang terawal, "Kita kena sentiasa bersyukur.." It's all back to that again. I promise to never PANDANG KE BELAKANG lagi. Kerana itu semua kunci PEROSAK HATI saya YANG DAPAT MELUPAKAN SEGALA NIKMAT YANG ALLAH BAGI..

Saya berdoa, hari ini, esok dan hari2 seterusnya, saya akan sentiasa bersyukur.. dan teruskan menjalani hidup dengan sebaik2nya...

Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Artist: Maher Zain
Album: Thank You Allah
Copyright: Awakening Records 2009